db4oAspNet Provider

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db4oAspNet Provider is a provider for the db4o (www.db4o.com) that implements the new classes of security, login and rules of access of the framework. Net 2.0. 

In this version, is implemented:

- Create user
- Delete user
- Login user
- Register last login
- Send lost password
- Change password
- Change password question and answer
- Update user
- List all users

- FindUsersByName

- FindUsersByEmail

- GetUserNameByEmail


-Role Manager

- Create role

- Delete role

- Add Users To  Roles

- Find Users in Role

- Get All Roles

- Get Roles for user

- Get User in roles

- Is User In Role

- Remove Users From Role

- Role Exists

How to use de library:

      * Download the library 
    * add a referece to db4oAspNetProvider.dll in your project
    * add a reference to db4o.dll 
    * add a reference to db4oDAL.dll

How to configure:

      In web.config, add a connection string:
      <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">
                     <add name="serverlocal" connectionString="host=localhost;file=~aspnetdb4o.yap"/>
      if you are in a client/server environment, use that:
      <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">
                     <add name="aspnetproviderServer" connectionString="host=YOUR HOST;port=4488;user=db4o;password=db4o"/>
      In system.web section, add:
             FOR db4oMembershipProvider: 

                 <membership defaultProvider="db4oMembershipProvider">


                <add name="db4oMembershipProvider"











                    passwordFormat="Clear" />

        <!-- Indicates what format that passwords are stored in: clear (plaintext),

              encrypted, or hashed.

              Clear and encrypted passwords can be retrieved;

              hashed passwords cannot.  -->



             FOR db4oRoleProvider: 

     <roleManager enabled="true"



        <add name="db4oRoleProvider"




             description="db4oRoleProvider" />


      See more information about membership providers at in http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/ASPNETProvMod_Prt1.asp

Sample application

I don't have a online server with MS .NET 2.0 to host a online demo, but I create a sample application that is very easy to setup and run.

      * Download and unzip “ready_to_use_sample
      * Create a application called db4osample on iis (or launch directly from VS 2005)
      * Open Firefox (or Explorer) and open URL http://localhost/db4osample/default.aspx

How to report bugs (please! report!):

Submit new bug here

How to get help:

Use SF Forum

How to help:

If you would like to help, please, send a email I need help to create documentation(my english is very rudimentary).


Cassio Rogerio Eskelsen

SourceForge.net Logo

License: LGPL
Copyright © 2005-2006 Cassio Rogerio Eskelsen